About Us
Welcome to NiceTargets™
A divisional product of Sto-Cote Products, Inc. Sto-Cote Products is a 4th generation privately owned family business that has been in existence for over 70 years being Established in ~1948. The origins are based around plastic coated drop cloth paper for painters. As the company developed our Great-Grandfather and Grandfather ran the business and developed many creative applications with engineered plastic sheeting. Since the late 80’s and into the current regime, the basis for the company remains solid in “Creative, Solution oriented applications utilizing engineered flexible films & plastic materials”. Sto-Cote’s products and its’ divisions are involved in such industries as Hockey, Golf, Pond Liners, Green Houses & many Protective Packaging Applications.
I was buying $5, $6 & $7+ paper targets and constantly replacing them, mainly due to weathering after they had some arrows shot in them. The sun & rain would render them useless for a fun shooting experience relatively quickly. So after the paper targets would go bad, it would be back to an old playing card, 5-spot target or an orange dot. Not sure about you, but I haven’t seen any playing cards or orange dots wandering through the woods lately. Yes, they are great for setting things up and having a very specific aiming point to tune your bow, but when you’re actually hunting you need to be able to focus on a specific “kill zone” area of the animal, not its orange dot. Oh that’s right, animals don’t have orange dots.

Unmatched Quality
NiceTargets™ is no exception to our family-owned and operated company’s philosophy of providing “a better, creative, less expensive solution” to the archery & shooting world. NiceTargets™ fills a void that we were looking for when practicing our own shooting. Providing a realistic image to shoot at, while at the same time being very weather resistant was our goal. NiceTargets™ is a product/project I had been thinking about since the 90’s and finally in late 2011 it was decided to once again diversify our product offering and tackle the archery project head-on.
The Plan for Nicetargets™
Required the implementation of many factors to make it a quality, yet cost effective product. I was going to attempt to put all the factors we implemented into a chart of the most important factors first, but all the factors combined make each as important as the next.
So in no particular order, here’s what NiceTargets™ offer:
We have been able to establish a relationship with Eric Dresser, a 40 year veteran of photography and the outdoors. His ability to offer us fantastic wildlife shots allows NiceTargets™ to transcend target faces to whole new level.
With the machine systems & processes we already have in place we are able to take the images of Eric Dresser and transfer them onto the poly target material in a high-definition format to maintain the high quality of Eric's work.
In creating NiceTargets™, one common comment we heard was that storage areas and even in some cases "rooms" were needed to adequately store the targets organized on site. With the NiceTargets packaging, that issue is completely solved in the way we finish the targets on rolls, and then supply them to you in a convenient, very small, reusable dispenser box that takes up virtually no space.
It was frustrating to have my targets out on my personal bales, and then it rained overnight and then the targets deteriorate from the rain and degradation to the paper from the sun. Not with NiceTargets™, the rain simply bounces right off, and we've put enough UV protection in to easily give you a season's worth of life. You'll most likely shoot enough holes in it to apply a new one before the NiceTargets™ ever breakdown from the weather elements.
At $1.00 for a Turkey or Mid-Sized animal and .65¢ for a Rabbit or Small Game animal, you can change out your targets more often and maintain real-life-like practice at a very affordable cost.
We like the realistic shot with a "No Kill Zone" approach while shooting. If you're going to shoot an animal, you better know where to shoot it in a real life situation. NiceTargets™ gives you that real life practice. Assess your quarry; pick your spot based on your knowledge, and let 'er fly. Then go make sure you have it right. Over All, NiceTargets™ looks forward to providing you with a "A Superior Shooting Experience"